LA QUESTION D'HAIDERABAD THE HYDERABAD QUESTION Decisions Decisions At its 357th meeting, on 16 September 1948, the Council decided to invite the representatives of India and Hyderabad to take places at the Council table. A sa 357• seance, le 16 septe!]lbre 1948, le Conseil a decide d'inviter Jes representants de l'Inde et de l'Ha'iderabad a prendre place a la table du Conseil. At its 360th meeting, on 28 September 1948, the Council decided to invite the Nawab Moin Nawaz Jung (Hyderabad) to make a statement concerning the validity of his credentials. A sa 360' seance, le 28 septembre 1948, le Conseil a decide d'inviter le Nawab Moin Nawaz Jung (Ha'iderabad) a faire unc declaration concernant la validite de ses pouvoirs. At its 384th meeting, on 15 December 1948, the Council decided to invite the representative of Pakistan to participate, without vote, in the discussion of the question. A sa 3 84• seance, le 15 decembre 1948, le Conseil a decide d'inviter le representant du Pakistan a participer, sans droit de vote, a la discussion de la question. Other matters considered by the Security Council Deuxieme partie. Autres questions examinees par le Conseil de securit/! Part II. ADMISSION OF NEW MEMBERS TO THE UNITED NATIONS 45 ADMISSION DE NOUVEAUX MEMBRES A L'ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES 4-' 45 (1948). Resolution of 10 April 1948 45 (1948). Resolution du 10 avril 1948 [S/717] [S/717] The Security Council, Having received and considered the report submitted by the Committee on the Admission of New Members regardi!lg the application of the Union of Burma, 48 Having taken note of the unanimous approval of the members of the Council of the application of the Union of Burma for membership in the United Nations, Recommends to the General Assembly that the Le Conseil de securite, Ayant rep, et examine le rapport que le Comite d'admission de nouveaux Membres lui a presente au sujet de la demande d'admission de !'Union birmane 4G, Ayant pris acte de !'approbation unanime manifestee par lcs membres du Conseil a l'egard de la demande d'admission de !'Union birmane au sein des Nations Unies, Recommande a l'Assemblee generale d'admettre 45 Resolutions or decisions on this question were also adopted by the Council in 1946 and 1947. 45 Question ayant fait J'objet de resolutions ou decisions de la part du Conseil en 1946 et en 1947. 48 Official Records of the Security Council, Third Year, Supplement for April 1948, document S/706. 46 Proces-verbaux officiels du Conseil de securite, troisieme annec, Supplement d'avri/ 1948, document S/706. 32

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