Union of Burma be admitted to membership in the United Nations. l'Union birmane comme Membre de !'Organisation des Nations Unies. Adopted at the 279th meeting by 10 votes to none, with 1 abstention (Argentina). Adoptee ,l la 279· SCQTl(I" par 10 voix contre zero, avec une abste11tion (Argentine). Decision Decision At its 280th meeting, on 10 April 1948, the Council, having reconsidered previously rejected applications, decided to postpone the discussion of the question indefinitely and to report to the General Assembly that none of the members of the Security Council had changed its position with regard to those applications. A sa 280' seance, le 10 avril 1948, le Conseil, ayant examine a nouveau les demandes d'admission precedemment rejetees, a decide de remettre sine die la discussion de la question et de faire savnir a l'Assemblee generate qu'aucun des membres du Conseil n'avait modifie son attitude a l'egard de ces demandes. ATOMIC ENERGY : INTERNATIONAL CONTROL ENERGIE ATOMIQUE: CONTROLE INTERNATIONAL 47 52 (1948). Resolution of 22 June 1948 52 (1948). Resolution du 22 join 1948 [S/852] The Security Council, Having received and examined the first, second and third reports of the Atomic Energy Commission,48 Directs the Secretary-General to transmit to the General Assembly and to the States Members of the United Nations the first, second and third reports of the Atomic Energy Commission, together with the record of the deliberations of the Security Council on this subject, as a matter of special concern. Adopted at the 325th meeting by 9 votes to none, with 2 abstentions (Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). 47 [S/852] Le Conseil de securite, Ayant reru et examine les premier, deuxieme et troisieme rapports de la Commission de l'energie atomique 48 , Prescrit au Secret:,\. e general de transmettre a l'Assemblee generale c•i <',ux Etats Membres de !'Organisation des Nations l-1nics, en attirant toute leur attention sur !'importance de la question, les premier, deuxieme et troisieme rapports de la Commission de l'energie atomique, ainsi que le proces-verbal des deliberations du Conseil de securite qui s'y rapportent. Adoptee a ta 325• sea11ce par 9 voix contre zero, avec 2 abstentions (Republique socialiste sovietique d'Ukraine, Union des Republiques socialistes sovictiques). 47 Question ayant fait l'objet de resolutions ou decisions de la part du Conseil en 1946 et en 1947. 48 Voir Proces-verbaux officiels de la Commission de fenergie atomique, premiere annee, Supplement special; ibid., deuxieme an11ee, Supplement special; et ibid., troisieme annee, Supplement special. •1 Resolutions or decisions on this question were also adopted by the Council in 1946 and 1947. •s See Official Records of the Atomic Energy Commission, First Year, Special Supplement; ibid., Second Year, Special Supplement; and ibid., Third Year, Special Supplement. 33

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