the Admission of New Members for study and report to the Security Council at the appropriate time. nouveaux Membres pour etude et rapport au Comeil de securite en temps opportun. .Adopted at the 132nd meeting by 10 votes to 1 (.Australia). .Adoptie cl la 132• siance par 10 voix contre ruae (.Arutralie). 25 (1947). Resolution or 22 May 1947 25 (1947). JU.olation da U mal 1947 The Security Council Resolves that the application of Italy to the Security Council for membership in the United Nations be referred to the Security Council's Committee on the Admission of New Members for study and report to the Security Council. Le Conseil de securite Decide que la demande presentee par l'ltalie au Conseil de securite en we de son admission l l'Orpnisation des Nations Unies sera renvoyee au Comit6 d'admission de nouveaux Membres aux fins d'examen et de rapport au Conseil de securite. .Adopted al the 137th meeting by JO votes to none, with 1 abstention (.Australia). .Adoptie cl la 137• siance par 10 voix contre ziro, avec une abstention (.A,utralie). Deeiaion Deeiaion At its 152nd meeting, on 8 July 1947, the Council, acting upon the recommendation of the General Assembly,28 instructed the Committee on the Admission of New Members to re-examine certain applications for membership in the United Nations and to submit its report on 10 August 1947, or earlier if possible. A sa 152• seance, le 8 juillet 1947, le Conscil, donnant suite a la recommandation de 1'Assemblee generale28 , a invite le Comite d'admission de nouveaux Membres a proceder a un nouvel examen de certaines demandes d'admission a !'Organisation des Nations Unies et a presenter son rapport le 10 aoikt 1947, ou plus t6t si possible. 29 (194.7). Resolution or 12 August 1947 29 (1947). Raolution du 21 aoilt 19'7 The Security Council, Having received and considered the report submitted by the Committee on the Admission of New Members regarding the re-examination of the applications for membership in the United Nations of the People's Republic of Albania, the Mongolian People's Republic, the Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan, Ireland and Portugal, and the examination of the applications of Hungary, Italy, Roumania, Austria, Yemen and Bulgaria,211 Having received and considered the application of Pakistan, Having taken due notice of the statements of opinions of the members of the Security Council in regard fo these applications, Le Conseil de s,cur11,, .A.pres avoir refu et examin, le rapport du Comit6 d'admission de nouveaux Membres concemant le nouvel examen des dcmandes d'admission l !'Organisation des Nations Unies presentees par la Rcpublique populaire d'Albanie, la Repub,ique populairc de Mongolic, le Royaume hachemite de Transjordanie, l'lrlande et le Portugal, ainsi que l'examen des demandes d'admission de la Hongrie, de l'ltalie, de la Roumanie, de l'Autricbe, du Yemen et de la Bulgarie211, .A.pres avoir refU et examin, la demande d'adm.ission du Pakistan, Apres avoir dllment pris acte des opinions exprima par Jes membres du Conseil de securite au sujet de ces demandes d'admission, ; • 28 General Assembly resolution 35 (I), accepted by the Council at its 81st meeting (see Resolutions and Decisions of the_. Security Council, 1946, p. 17). . .211 Official Records of the Security Council, Second Year, Special Supplement No. 3. 28 R&olution 35 (1) de l'Assembl~ a6•rale accept& par le Conseil l sa 81° s6ance (voir Risolutions et dkil,ons d11 Conseil de sicuriti, 1946, p. 17)• 28 Procis-verbaux officieu dM Conuil de sicuritl, d,ullm• annee, Suppliment spkial n• 3. 22

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