United Nations - 56 No. Treaty Series 1955 3051. NEPAL: DECLARATION 1 OF ACCEPTANCE OF THE OBLIGATIONS CONTAINED IN THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS. KATMANDU, 10 MARCH 1949 INSTRUMENT OF ADHERENCE In the name of Nepal, being duly authorized in virtue of the full power to this effect by His Majesty The Maharajadhiraja of Nepal, and by His Highness Maharaja Mohun Shamsher Jang Bahadur Rana as the Head of the Government of Nepal, I declare that Nepal hereby accepts without any reservation the obligations of the Charter of the United Nations and promises to keep them inviolable from the day when it becomes a Member of the United Nations. (Signed) BIJAYA SHAMSHER Director-General Foreign Affairs, Nepal [SEAL] Foreign Department, Nepal Katmandu March 10, 1949 Presented to the Secretary-General of the United Nations on 22 March 1949. By resolution 995 (X) adopted by the General Assembly at its 555th plenary meeting, on 14 December 1955, Nepal was admitted to membership in the United Nations.

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