121 (1956). Resolution of 12 December 1956 121 (1956). Resolution du 12 decembre 1956 [S/3758] [S/3758] The Security Council, Having examined the application of Japan, 17 Recommends to the General Assembly that Japan be admitted to membership in the United Nations. Le Conseil de securite, Ayant examine la demande d'admission du Japon 17 , Recommande a. I' Assemblee generale d 'admettre le Japon comme Membre de !'Organisation des Nations Unies. Adopted unanimously at the 756th meeting. Adoptee d /'unanimite d la 756• seance. INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE COUR INTERN ATI ON ALE DE JUSTICE 1s 18 ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE COURT BY THE SECURITY COUNCIL AND THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY ELECTION DE MEMBRES DE LACOUR PAR LE CONSEIL DE SECURITE ET L' ASSEMBLEE GENERALE 117 (1956). Resolution of 6 September 1956 117 (1956). Resolution du 6 septembre 1956 [S/3643] [S/3643] The Security Council, Noting with regret the death of Judge Hsu Mo on 28 June 1956, Noting further that a vacancy in the International Court of Justice for the remainder of the deceased's term of office has thus occurred and must be filled in accordance with the terms of the Statute of the Court, Noting that, in accordance with Article 14 of the Statute, the date of the election to fill this vacancy shall be fixed by the Security Council, Decides that an election tn fill the vacancy shall take place during the eleventh session of the General Assembly. Le Conseil de securite, Apprenant avec regret le deces du juge Hsu Mo, survenu le 28 juin I 956, Constatant que, ce de fait, il y a un siege a pourvoir a la Cour internationale de Justice pour Ja periode non encore accomplie du mandat du defunt, et qu 'il convient de pourvoir ce siege, conformement au Statut de la Cour, Notant que, conformcment aux dispositions de l 'Article 14 du Statut, la date de !'election destince a pourvoir ce siege doit etre fixec par le Conseil de securite, Decide qu 'il sera proced~ a une election, en vue de pourvoir le siege vacant, durant la onzieme session de l'Assemblee generale. Adoptee d la 733• seance Adopted at the 733rd meeting. 19 17 Ibid., Seventh Year, Supplement for April, May and June 1952, document S/2673; and ibid., Eleventh Year, Supplement for October, November and December 1956, document S/3752. 1 g. 17 Proces-verbaux officiels du Conseil de securite, septieme annk, Supplement d'avril, mai et juin 1952, document S/2673; et Documents officiels du Conseil de securite, onzieme annee, Supplement d'octobre, novembre et decembre 1956, document S/3752. 18 Question ayant fait l 'objet de resolutions ou decisions de la part du Conseil en 1946, 1948, 1949, 1951, 1953 et 1954. 19 Le projet de resolution n'a pas ete mis aux voix. 18 Resolutions or decisions on this question were also adopted by the Council in 1946, 1948, 1949, 1951, 1953 and 1954. 19 Adopted without vote. 11

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