78 (1949) Resolution of 18 October 1949 78 (1949). Re’solution du 18 octobre 1949 [S/1410] [S/1410] Le Conseil de skuritk, Ayunt rep et examine’ les propositions The Security Council, Having received and examined the proposals contained contenues dans in the working document on the implementation of le document de travail adopt6 par la Commission des armements de type classique a sa 19e sCance, le ler aoat General Assembly resolution 192 (III) of 19 November 1949 20, relatif 9 1’exCcution de la rCsolution 192 (III) de 1948, adopted by the Commission for Conventional Armaments at its 19th meeting, held on 1 August 1949,20 I’AssembEe &n&ale, en date du 19 novembre 1948, Invite le SecrCtaire g&&al B transmettre ces propoRequestd the Secretary-General to transmit these proposals and the records of the discussions on this sitions, ainsi que le compte rendu des d6bats du Conseil de s6curit.t et de la Commission des armements de type question in the Security Council and the Commission classique sur cette question. & 1’AssemblCe g&&ale. for Conventional Armaments to the General Assembly. Adopted at the 452nd meeting by 9 votes to none, with 2 abstentions (Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). ADMISSION TO THE Adopte’e d la 452e sdance par 9 voix centre z&-o, avec 2 abstentions (REpublique socialiste sovit?ique d’Ukraine, Union des REpubliques socialistes soviktiques). OF NEW MEMRERS UNITED NATIONS 21 ADMISSION DE NOUVEAUX MEMBRES A L’ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES Decision D&&ion At its 409th meeting, on 15 February 1949, the Council decided to refer the application of the Republic of Korea for membership in thi?Jnited Nations td the Committee on the Admission of New Members. Adopted 69 (1949). Resolution A sa 409e shance, le 15 f&rier 1949, le Conseil a d&id6 de renvoyer au ComitC d’admission de nouveaux Membres la demande d’admission a l’organisation des Nations Unies de la RBpublique de Carte. Adopte’e by 9 votes to 2.a” of 4 March 1949 69 (1949). [S/1277] The Security Council, Having received and considered the application Israel for membership a0 See OfjciaI Supplement for 1949, document 21 Re’solution par 9 voix centre 2 )*. du 4 mars 1949 [S/1277] Le Conseil de s&wit&, Ayant rep et examine la demande d’admission of in the United Nations,23 Records of the Security Council, Fourth Year, September, October, November and December S/1372, annex I. comme Membre de l’organisation aoVoir Pro&-verbaux an&e, Supplkment officiets de septemhre, d’Isra%l des Nations Unies 23, du Conseil de skcuritd, guatrikme octobre, novembre et dicefibre by the Council in 1946, 1947 and 1948. la No further details of the vote are given in the record of the meeting. 1949. document S/1372. annexe I. 21huestion ayant fait l’objet de r&solutions ou decisions de la Dart du Conseil en 1946. 1947 et 1948. BaLe compte rendu de la stance ne donne pas d’autres prtcisions concernant le vote. 10 See Of$cial Records of the Security Council, Third Year, Supplement for December 1948, document S/1093; and ibid., Fourth Year, Supplement for March 1949, document S/1267. a3 Voir Pro&-verbaux ofjciels du Conseil de skcuritk, troisi2me annde, Supplbment de. d&imbue 1948, document S/1093; et ibid., quatridme annie, SuppMment de mars 1949, document S/1267. *I Resolutions or decisions on this question were also adopted I 11

Select target paragraph3