Part II. Other matters considered by the Security Council Deuxieme partie. Autres questions examinees par le Conseil de securite ADMISSION DE NOUVEAUX MEMBRES A L'ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES ADMISSION OF NEW MEMBERS TO THE UNITED NATIONS 13 112 (1956). Resolution of 6 February 1956 112 (1956). Resolution du 6 fevrier 1956 [S/3546] [S/3546] The Security Council, Having examined the application of the Sudan, 14 Recommends to the General Assembly that the Sudan be admitted to membership in the United Nations. !,e Conseil de serurite, Ayant examine la demande d'admission du Soudan 14 , Recommande i l'Assemblce gcnerale d'admettre le Soudan commc Membrc de !'Organisation des Nations Unies. Adoptee ti /'11,;animite d la 716' seance. Adopted unanimously at thF 716th meeting. 115 (1956). Resolution of 20 July 1956 115 (1956). Resolution du 20 juillet 1956 [S/3624] [S/3624] The Security Council, Having examined the application of Morocco, 15 Recommends to the General Assembly that Morocco be admitted to membership in the United Nations. Le Conscil de sccurite, Avant examim' la demande d'admission du Maroc 15, Recommande :\ l'Assemblcc gcncrale d'admcttrc le Maroc comme Mcrnbre de !'Organisation des Nations Unies. Adopted unanimously at the 73/st meeting. Adopree tl /'unanimitt' ,i hi 731• s1'a11ce. 116 (1956). Resolution of 26 July 1956 116 (1956). Resolution du 26 juillet 1956 [S/3629] [S/3629] The Security Council, Having examined the application of Tunisia, 16 Recommends to the General Assembly that Tunisia be admitted to membership in the United Nations. 13 Le Conseil de securifl'. Ayant cxaminJ la demanded 'admission de la Tunisie rn, Recommandc i l'Assemblce generate d'admettre la Tunisie comme Membre de !'Organisation des Natit1ns Unies. Adopted unanimously at the 732nd meeting. Adoptee d l'unanimite cl la 732• seance. 13 Resolutions or decisions on this question were also adopted by the Council in 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1952 and 1955. 14 Official Records of the Security Council, Elnenth Year, Supple• ment for January, Fcb,uwy anJ ,\larch 1956, document S/3543. rn Ibid., Supplement /or July, August and Septemba 1956, J.ocument S/3617. 16 Ibid., document S/3622. 13 Question ayant fait J'objet de resolutions ou decisions Jc la part du Con,eil en 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1952 et 195'i. 14 Documents officiels du Consei/ de si-curi11', 011::ieme anm'e, Supp!emenr de ja111·ier, (,',·rier er 111an l95fi, dr,cumcnt S/:\543. 1 ·' lbiJ .. Supplement de Juil!et. aour et septemhre 1956, document S/3617. 16 ibid., document S/3622. 10

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