ADMISSION O.F NEW MEMBERS \TO THE UNITED NATIONS 27 \ R6 (l 950 ). Resolution du 2(, septemhre 1950 86 (1950). Resolution of 26 September 1950 Le Conseil de securite Estime quc la Republique d 'Indonesie est un pacifique qui remplit les conditions stipulees a !'Article 4 de la Charte des Nations Unies; aussi recommandc-t-il a l'Assemblee generale d'admettre la Republique d'lndonesic commc Membre de I'Organisation des Nations Unies. The Security Council Finds that the Republic of Indonesia is a peace-loving State which fulfils the conditions laid down in Article 4 of the Charter of the United Nations, and therefore recommends to the General Assembly that the Republic of Indonesia be admitted to membership of the United Nations. Adopted at the 503rd meeting votes to none, with 1 abstention (China). ADMISSION DE NOUVEAUX MEMBRES L'ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES 27 Adoptee a la 503" seance /'"' J(I voix con/re zero, avec um· abstention (Chine). 1 by JO RECOMMENDATION REGARDING THE APPOINTMENT OF THE SECRETARYGENERAL 28 RECOMMANDATION CONCERNANT LA NOMINATION DU SECRETAIRE GENERAt.iH Decisions At its 510th meeting (private meeting), on 12 October 1950, the Council decided to inform the General Assembly that it had been unable to agree on a recommendation regarding the appointment of the Secretary-General. Decisions A sa 510e seanct (seance privee). le 12 octobre 1950, le Conseil a decide de faire savoir a l'Assemblee generale qu 'ii n 'avait pu aboutir a un accord sur la recommandation a faire concernant la nomination du Secretaire general. Asa 513e seance (seance privee), le 21 octobre 1950, At its 513th meeting (private meeting), on 2I!October 1950, the Council decided to request its five permanent members to hold private consultations on the matter and to report the result of their conversations to the Council not later than 24 October 1950. At its 515th meeting (private meeting), on 25 October 1950, the Council decided to inform the General Assembly that it remained unable to agree on a recommendation. le Conseil a decide d'inviter les cinq membres permaments a se consulter sur ce sujet et a rendre compte au au cours de reunions privees Conseil du resultat de leurs conversations le 24 octobre 1950 au plus tard. I ! A sa 51SC seance (seance privee), le 25 octobre 1950, le Conseil a decide de faire savoir a l'Assemblee generate qu 'il n 'avait toujours pas pu se mettre d'accord sur unc recommandation. At its 516th meeting (private meeting), on 30 October 1950, the Council decided to inform the General Assembly that it had rejected, by a vote of 7 to l, with 3 abstentions, a proposal by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics that the Council should request the Assembly to postporn; the consideration of the item on its agenda relating tP the appointment of the Secretary-General. A sa 5t6e seance (seance privee), le 30 octobre 1950, le Conseil a decide de faire savoir a l'Assemblee generale qu 'ii avait rejete par 7 voix cont re une, avec 3 abstentions. une proposition de !'Union des Republiques socialistes sovietiques tendant ace que le Conseil demande al 'Asscmhlee d'ajourner l'examen du point de son ordre du jour rclatif a la nomination du Secretaire general. 27 Resolutions or decisions on this question were also adopted by the Council in 1946, 1947, 1948 and 1949. 18 Resolutions or decisions on this question were also adopted by the Council in 1946. 27 Question ayant fait l'objet de resolutions ou decisions de la part du Conseil en I 946, 1947, 1948 et 1949. •• Question ayant fait l'objet de resolutions ou decisions de la part du Conseil en I 946. 14

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