ARMAMENTS: REGULATION AND REDUCTION ARMEMENTS: REGLEMENTATION ET REDUCTION Decision Decision At its 88th meeting, on 31 December 1946, the Council included the following item in its agenda for the first time: "Letter from the representative of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Security Council to the Secretary-General dated 27 December 1946, regarding the implementation of the resolution of the General Assembly on the general regulation and reduction of armaments ( S /229) ". 29 A sa 88eme seance, le 31 decembre 1946, le Conseil a inscrit pour la premiere fois le point suivant son ordre du jour: "Lettre, en date du 27 decembre 1946, adressee au Secretaire general par le representant de l'Union des Republiques socialistes sovietiques au Conseil de securite, concernant la mise en reuvre de la resolution de l' Assemblee generale sur la reglementation et la reduction generales des armements ( S/22929 ) ". 2U Official Records of the Security Council, Second Year, Supplement No. 2, annex 3. 29 Proces-verbm1x ofjiciels du Conseil de securite, deuxieme ann,;e, Supplement No 2, annexe 3. a 18

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