ADMISSION DE "~OlJ\! H ADMISSION OF NEW MEMBERS TO THE UNITED NATIONS 16 131 (1958). A l'OR<;AN[SATl01'1 BI (1958). Resolution of 9 December 1958 MFMURES \ ··,\ 1'!0'-J~· lH!, Resoiutio,, 1 1.!NW<..; 16 ln [S/4133] The Security Council, Having examined the application of the Republic of Guinea for membership in the United Nations, 17 Le ( ·on <cil de sr• ·11n It 1 ! ht(,llli• Ayant ,,xan1111<' Lt 11em;i nd,· , I adm ,~s1, ,i1 sation de•, Nations 1. ,•Pc•. t'r,·•< ,1 1, ,. ,;,: !. ;l'v11uH1qm: de Gum•.•.· 17 • Recommends to the General Assembly that the Republic of Guinea be admitted to membership in the United Nations. Recommande Republique \· Unie•, '.t,n<'·r.\lc ,, -ll'l11t'([1c· la J .,1, \,:~', ~-~d!.ons 1 Adopted at the 842nd meeting by 10 votes to none, with 1 abstention (France). /(I ,•i,lt>/~kr ,,ar ·;t•i· 16 Resolutions or decisions on this question were also adopted by the Council in 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1952, 1955, 1956 and 1957. 17 Official Records of the Security Council, Thirteenth y,,a,, Supplement for October, November and December 1958, document S/4122. 16 Question ayant fait \ .:>h_1~t de part du Copscilen l<l46 1,1J" 194,, et 1957. 17 lJocurn.enl\ o!fic;,!,·/'s u.··,·,1(·tcdJ;r. 1w Supplemen· S/4122 9 -~ ,in.~,;,_•ii '.:1:/.~ , 84.'' H'.:UU"t' /r) , oi.\ con!r,' .::-l;ro ·.1l1~t•·'ntior1 ,rn·i~ t ,a11 ce,, ;·t's\1i1~ 1.ion~ \IP ('Ct ,:sh.,n~ Jc l'l.!'I ! ,,;_,_ I'•!•: it', 1,, ·-11, •,:··mi'ri' ··,, i. fcJ•,s. ia i')'i:i_ ''')(, 1t. 1n1:" l411flr.;e, d11,.'u.1wnr

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