United Nations- 1949 Treaty Series TRADUCTION - TRANSLATION No. 448. ISRAEL: DECLARA- N' 448. ISRAEL: DECLARATION' OF ACCEPTANCE OF TION' D'ACCEPTATION THE OBLIGATIONS CONDES OBLIGATIONS CONTAINED IN THE CHARTER TENUES DANS LA CHARTE OF THE UNITED NATIONS. DE L'ORGANISATION DES 29 NOVEMBER 1948 NATIONS UNIES. 29 NOVEMBRE 1948 PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT OF ISRAEL 29th November, 1948 GOUVERNEMENT PROVISOIRE DISRAEL Le 29 novembre 1948 DECLARATION DECLARATION On behalf of the State of Israel, I, Moshe Shertok, Minister for Foreign Affairs, being duly authorised by the State Council of Israel, declare that the State of Israel hereby unreservedly accepts the obligations of the United Nations Charter and undertakes to honour them from the day when it becomes a member of the United Nations. Au nom de l'Etat d'Israfl, je soussign6, Moshe Shertok, Ministre des affaires 6trangres, dfment autorise par le Conseil d'Etat d'Israfl, declare que rEtat d'Israil accepte par la presente, sans reserve aucune, les obligations decoulant de la Charte des Nations Unies et qu'il s'engage h les observer du jour ofi il deviendra Membre des Nations Unies. (Signed) Moshe SHERTOK Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Provisional Government of Israel ' Presented to the Secretary-General of the United Nations on 1 December 1948. By the decision of the General Assembly of 11 May 1949, Israel was admitted as a Member of the United Nations (resolution 273 (III)). (Signi) Moshe SHERTOK Ministre des affaires etrangeres du Gouvernement provisoire d'Isral ' Pr6sent6e au Secr~taire g~nral de 'Organisation des Nations Unies le ler dcembre 1948. Par une d6cision de l'Assembl~e gnrale en date du 11 mai 1949, Israel a 6t6 admis comme Membre de l'Organisation des Nations Unies (resolution 273 (III)).

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